Conscious Couples

Picture of Adrienne Crew

Adrienne Crew

Adrienne is Qualified Counsellor and Psychotherapist based in Wetherby and Leeds

I’m going to take a wild guess that you’re reading my blog because your relationship is important to you and you’re looking for clear ideas on how having counselling can give you a stronger and more vital relationship.

I find as couples begin to recognise and reveal each others authentic core emotions lying beneath the surface, they begin to see each others responses differently. The way we handle our emotions can be a source of how we handled emotions from when we were children.

Your ‘lost self’ – those parts of your being that you had to repress
Your ‘false self’ – the facade that you erected in order to fill a void by lack of adequate nurturing
Your ‘disowned self’ – the negative parts of your false self that met with disapproval and were therefore denied.

Opening up and sharing your fears and needs with your partner is a crucial step towards creating a new, positive cycle between the two of you.

Facing and listening to your own fears takes courage, but the rewards far outweigh the risks.

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