
How shall I tell a child about the death of a family member

How Shall I Tell a Child About the Death of a Family Member?

It is important to be honest and open from the start. It is easy, especially with an older child, to underestimate their depth of feeling, their ability to conceal it (often to protect their parents and loved ones) and their unexpressed need for detailed information about what happened. Very young children may not understand that […]

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Growing Around Grief

Growing Around Grief

Growing around grief is a model created by Grief Counsellor Lois Tonkin in 1996. The visual metaphor; a circle representing grief, initially overwhelming and central in a person’s life, remains constant in size. However, another larger circle representing the individuals life gradually grows around the grief. Overtime, although grief stays constant, it becomes a smaller

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Conscious Couple

Conscious Couples

I’m going to take a wild guess that you’re reading my blog because your relationship is important to you and you’re looking for clear ideas on how having counselling can give you a stronger and more vital relationship. I find as couples begin to recognise and reveal each others authentic core emotions lying beneath the

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